United Wiki Nations

A wiki country or a wiki nation is a virtual wiki country. The users of the wiki are the inhabitants and they try to build up their country. There are wiki countries in 4 languages (see below).

How does a wiki country work?[]

The inregistrated users are building up their own country. They make a good political and economical system and try to attract new people to their country. Most of the wiki countries are a republic for example, another is a kingdom. There have been real elections.

The most important thing is: you're free to do everything. You can found a company or a sports club are you can even found a city! For example there are many sports club in Libertas and they are all playing matches against each other. And there is a high concurrence between some companies in Libertas so they are expanding their companies till the other has given up. Some of the companies are notated on a stock index.

There are real maps made for all the cities, quarters and towns. If you want to move into a house you just put your name on that house.

It's really easy to join one. The other users will help you with all your problems. We have wiki countries in more languages, just have a look here below!

Join a wiki country![]

See also the article Join a wiki country!

There are small descriptions of all wikicountries below. If you want to visit the wiki country just click on the link.

English: Lovia[]

The Kingdom of Lovia is a small wiki country where English is the official language. The archipel has a king named Dimitri Noble I. The wiki country is still being developed.

Nederlands: Libertas[]

De Republiek Libertas is een archipel in de Atlantische Oceaan waarvan het Nederlands de officiële taal. is. Dit wikiland bestaat het langst en heeft al bijna 1000 artikelen.
